Wednesday 6 February 2013

Meeting Uncle Sam (USA part i)

Stars and stripes
You have to start somewhere! I am not an American and I could have started at the letter "B" but that would  have been a little bit predictable, I could have started with Gibraltar mind you, but some people start with their own town and work outwards from there, not me. I quite literally closed my eyes and then put a pin in the map.

Now we've cleared that up let's get started!

The World's richest country. The World's only superpower. Astounding in its natural and cultural wonders. These are but some of the accolades heaped upon the USA. There are also some not so glowing descriptions of the USA, and I'm sure that we have all heard them. But what can not be denied is that The USA is a huge country that has some of the most incredible landscapes both natural and urban, as well as a culture that has at one time or another touched every nation on this planet. You really can not argue about that and expect to win!

Whether it's hamburgers or the World's reserve currency, the USA is there, big, bold and impossible to ignore.

With all the really big countries, so as not to give you and me a country overdose, I'll be exploring  the USA chunk by chunk interspersed with other countries; this post is really an overview of the place and then there will be another 51 posts to come after. There are of course 50 states, but the USA also has other territories that will be covered in the last post.

How To Get There.

Very nearly every major airline flies to somewhere in the USA - let's face it, they have to! So most major Capital Cities will have their flag carriers linking them. So, all you have to do is check for who flies where, on what days and for how much.

You can do all that simply by visiting:

It's that simple.

Where to Stay.

You've sorted out your flights, now you will need to have somewhere to stay, or if you are touring, places to stay. There are well over 49000  hotels and inns etc in the USA that are listed on, yes you guessed it:

Every listing will have the price, the star rating and review as well as photos to help you make the right choice. There really is something for everyone.

You can even compare with other websites, and of course you can book your selections online through the website.


This an absolute must: When you arrive in the USA by air, you MUST HAVE a valid passport!
When it comes to a visa, it's a slightly different story. Certain countries are members of the Visa Waiver Program and therefore its citizens do not need to have visas for things like holidays and business.
Other countries will require its citizens to have visas, regardless.

It is always wise to visit the US Embassy website in your country to find out whether you need a visa or not.
Each Embassy has its own website and you simply google to find the nearest one to you. The websites are very well designed and very easy to navigate and very easy to use.

...And Finally

There is so much  to see in the USA. Whether you're looking to visit the 21 world heritage sites, the wide open spaces, the deserts, the beaches or the simply legendary cities like New York or L.A, you're the one that will have to choose. Once you decided what you're going to see then  can really help your trip be a truly memorable one!

Bon Voyage!

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