Tuesday 23 April 2013

About Visas.

Just a quick little post about Visas. As you read through my posts about the various places in the world, you'll probably see that when it comes to visas I always refer you to one visa service site:


I have no referral or affiliate agreement with these guys, it's just that they offer the most comprehensive advice for every citizen who may need a visa to go somewhere they fancy visiting.

I received a comment not so long ago that caused me a little bit of concern. It was on the post about Nauru. The comment pointed out in a roundabout way that I had assumed that every reader knew how to navigate through the Visahq website.

Well, it shows how wrong I was! On the face of it the website looks like it is just for US citizens. I can assure you that it isn't.  When you land on the home page you will see a couple of tabs, the one tab that catches your eye is the one that says "US Citizens" and the reason why it stands out is that it smack bang in the middle of the tab bar! On first glance, I have to admit that it really does look like the website is for US citizens. However, if you look to the left of this particular tab you will see another tab saying "Visas".

Now, if like me you are not a US citizen, click on this tab instead. This is the gateway to finding out about visa requirements for every country in the world. They are very thorough indeed. Give you an example, when I was researching for The Gambia post I found out that although I was a British Citizen, I needed a visa for The Gambia because I live in Gibraltar. If I lived in the UK, all I needed was my passport and a return ticket!

So, there you have it. www.visahq.com really quite impressed me and that is why I recommend these guys. Try them out, this sort of info is free on their website.

I think that like me you will be quite impressed with their global coverage.

Bon voyage!....

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